Couples Trivia

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Ever wondered how well you really know your partner? Sure, you might know their favorite pizza toppings or that they leave the toothpaste cap off (every. single. time.), but do you know the first concert they went to or their childhood dream job? That’s where couples trivia comes in!

It’s the perfect mix of laughs, love, and a little friendly competition. Whether you’re looking to spice up a date night, host a double-date game, or just spend quality time cracking each other up, trivia is a fun way to connect, and maybe learn something new about your better half.

As someone who’s been married long enough to know that even the best relationships can use a little “shake things up” energy, trust me when I say this is a win-win. You’ll laugh until your sides hurt, roll your eyes at their answers (in the most loving way, of course), and maybe even discover why they have such strong opinions about pineapple on pizza.

So grab a notebook, pour some drinks, and let’s get quizzing, because nothing says romance like proving you remember the name of their high school mascot.

How to Play the Couples Quiz

Before you start the game, it’s best to prepare some questions. Make sure the questions are appropriate for both partners and relate to things they know about each other. For example, if one partner loves sports, then ask a question about their favorite team or player.

To get started, you’ll need to write or print out a copy of the question sheet and give one to each person. Then you will fill in the questions with your answers about yourself, this will be the answer sheet so don’t show your partner your answers just yet!

Then your partner will try to answer the questions about you and see if their answer matches your correct answer on your answer sheet. The person with the most correct answers after the round is over wins the game.

Tips for A Successful Couples Trivia Night

Here are some tips to ensure a successful couples trivia night:

couple smiling

Pick Your Questions Wisely

When it comes to couples trivia, it’s important to pick questions that both people in the couple can answer. The goal is for each person to have to think hard about their partner’s likes, dislikes and life in order to answer the questions. It may show how much they have been paying attention lately!

Create Your Own Questions

For couples trivia, create custom categories specific to your relationship. Think of topics like “Our First Date” or “Inside Jokes” and get creative with the kinds of questions you can ask. This kind of personalization can really add a special touch to your couples trivia night.

Set up Prizes

Everyone loves a reward for their hard work and dedication. So, it’s important to set up some kind of prize or reward system for the winner of each round. This could be something as simple as a night out on the town or even just bragging rights!

Keep It Fun and Friendly

No matter what kinds of questions you use for your couples trivia night, remember that it should always be fun! Trivia should never become competitive or combative, it should simply be an enjoyable way for partners to bond and learn more about each other. Lightheartedness is key and don’t forget the snacks and drinks.

How Well do you Know your Partner Questions

These questions are perfect for your couples trivia night. Feel free to use these questions or make up your own as well.

couples question
  1. What is your partner’s favorite movie?
  2. Where did you two first meet?
  3. What would your partner do if they won the lottery?
  4. What was the last book your partner read?
  5. What was the best vacation you two ever took together?
  6. Name 3 things that your partner cannot live without.
  7. What is your partner’s dream job?
  8. Who is your partner’s favorite singer or band?
  9. Name 3 of your partner’s pet peeves.
  10. Where does your partner want to go on their next vacation?
  11. What would your partner do if they had one extra hour each day?
  12. If you could change one thing about your partner, what would it be?
  13. Name three qualities that make your partner special.
  14. What is the best advice your partner has ever given you?
  15. What is my favorite TV show?
  16. What is my favorite board game?
  17. What was my childhood nickname?
  18. What is my favorite type of cuisine?
  19. What was my first job?
  20. What is my favorite book?
  21. What is my most embarrassing moment?
  22. What was the last concert we attended together?
  23. What is my favorite outdoor activity?
  24. What was the first meal I ever cooked for you?
  25. What was the last book I read?
  26. What is my favorite season?
  27. What is my favorite holiday?
  28. What was my college major?
  29. What is my favorite type of wine or beer?
  30. What is my favorite way to spend a lazy weekend?
  31. What is my most prized possession?
  32. What was the last gift I gave you?
  33. What is my favorite type of dessert?
  34. What is my favorite movie genre?
  35. What was the first movie we watched together?
  36. Where did we go for our first date?
  37. What was the first gift I gave you?
  38. What was the first trip we took together?
  39. What’s the name of my childhood best friend?
  40. What’s my favorite hobby?
  41. What’s my favorite color?
  42. What’s my favorite type of music?
  43. What’s my dream vacation destination?
  44. What is my biggest fear?
  45. What is my favorite type of coffee?
  46. What is my go-to comfort food?
  47. What is my preferred method of exercise?
  48. What was the last book that made me cry?
  49. What is my favorite type of weather?
  50. What is my most annoying habit?
  51. What is the name of my favorite childhood pet?
  52. What is my favorite type of art?
  53. What is my signature drink at a bar?
  54. What was my first car?
  55. What is my dream job?
  56. What is the one thing I can never leave the house without?
  57. What is my favorite way to relax after a long day?
  58. What is my favorite type of flower?
  59. What was the last thing that made me laugh?
  60. What is my favorite way to celebrate a special occasion?
  61. What is my favorite kind of fruit?
  62. What is my favorite way to travel?
  63. What is my favorite type of candy?

A couples game night is a great way for partners to come closer together while having some fun. With a little creativity, planning, and imagination, couples trivia nights can provide hours of entertainment that will leave everyone feeling happy and connected. So why not give it a try? Who knows, you might even learn something new about each other!

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